How To Make The Fourth Of July Fun For Kids

Every year, the Fourth of July holiday honors the birth of our nation.  Independence Day, as it’s also known, is a special day for every American and time for celebration.  Both children and adults enjoy a variety of traditions that have grown to become popular pastimes for all.  If you want to see a big smile on the face of your little ones this July 4, consider the following ways to make it a kid-friendly kind of fun.

Host A Cookout

One of the most popular traditions to enjoy over the Fourth of July holiday is a cookout with family and friends.  Get out the grill, grab some hotdogs and hamburgers and get cooking.  Children love cookouts and they also love playing outdoors.  If you can find a way to combine both by hosting a cookout and inviting some of the other children in the neighborhood, along with family and friends, you will have a happy Fourth of July and so will your kids.

Take A Trip

Speaking of traditions, the July 4 holiday is one of the most popular times of the year for travel.  If you really want to make this holiday fun for your kids, take them on a vacation.  Whether it’s an amusement park, a weekend of camping, or a few days at the beach, make sure that you choose something that’s fun for everyone.

Take In A Fireworks Display

If your neighborhood or city is hosting a display of fireworks, take your child to see the show.  Make sure that you watch the kids closely, especially in large crowds, and take the camera to capture some of the colorful displays that only a Fourth of July fireworks show can create.

Plan A Pool Party

If you have a pool in your backyard, the Fourth of July holiday is the perfect time to spend some time splashing around.  With temperatures heating up, the cool water is sure to cool you down.  Children love to spend an afternoon playing in the pool, but make sure that you get permission from all parents

Foundation Problems? Here’s What to Do If You’re Worried About Your Home’s Foundation

Like in a relationship, the foundation of a house is integral, and must be strong. There are many reasons why a house’s foundation might crack or shift – including temperature variances in the soil surrounding it, since earth expands in heat and contracts in cold. But whatever the reason, there are certain steps to follow when addressing concerns about your house’s foundation.

Prevent The Problem, If Possible

First, whenever possible act to prevent problems before they arise. Make it a habit to check for foundational stress by taking a walk through your basement and around the outside of your home. Signs of a problem include cracks in the foundation itself (particularly horizontal ones larger than a hairline), uneven or sloping floors, doors or windows that won’t open or close properly anymore, and water damage (puddles or moisture in the wood) that signals improper drainage.

Confirm The Problem, If There’s Time

If you find a crack that has you worried, but isn’t an insurmountable gap, take the time to coat it with concrete waterproofing paint. Then keep an eye on it. If the crack reappears after the paint has dried, it means the gap that produced the crack is growing and should be addressed. If you suspect water drainage problems, try shutting down all water-using appliances in your home. Then watch the water meter for 6 to 12 hours. If the levels change in that time, your water is finding another way out of the house. Finally, if you suspect a sloping floor, rest a tennis ball on it and look for rolling.

Fix The Problem, If It’s Small

Sometimes DIY methods can be used to address small issues, like little cracks (ones not in the foundation itself, but in walls or floors). Fill them with a vinyl concrete patch, or a similar product. Be sure the material you use is flexible and can move a little, because the concrete will – it slightly expands and contracts to keep stable.

Call For Reinforcements!

That said, the absolute best method of dealing with foundation problems is to call in reinforcements, because even successful DIY fixes are temporary. And because, even though it will cost a little more, the money is worth it to prevent your house from collapsing! Reach out to a foundational specialist or a structural engineer if there are any signs that have you worried about a shifting or crumbling foundation.

If you have more in-depth questions, or want advice on a foundational specialist, talk to your trusted local real estate agent.

Selling Your Home? Here’s Why You’ll Want to Keep Your Emotions out of It

Selling your home can be an extremely emotional process, but it’s important that you don’t let your emotions get the best of you.  Learn which common mistakes emotional sellers make when selling their home so that you can identify them during your own sale and overcome them before it’s too late.

Price Paralysis

You love your home, you know the value it provides to its owner, and you think it’s special compared to other houses on the market… and that it should be priced as such!

Be wary of this thought pattern though, as sellers who are emotionally attached to their home tend to overprice their listing, ignore market data, and be stubborn in negotiations.

It is perfectly normal for your emotions to cloud your judgement when first listing, but it is important that you listen to your real estate agent’s advice and stick to reason, or you may find your home failing to close.

Pricing Based On Need

Your home has a market value, and you can’t ignore that.  It’s fact.

When moving to a new property, it is essential that you understand that you cannot price your current home based on the amount of money you need to purchase your desired next home.  This mindset is unrealistic, and can drag out your home sale.

If the purchase of a new home is contingent upon how much you make from selling your current home, be sure that you do not celebrate too early.  Wait until you have closed the deal before gauging what you can afford to buy next, or stick to a property that is definitely within your budget.

Maintain An Open Mind

While you may love the way your personal items and interior design pieces make your home feel, it is best to stage your home very impersonally for showings.  This may require re-painting rooms to more neutral tones, taking down your favorite family photos, and using professional staging furniture rather than your own.  Doing so isn’t admitting that you have bad taste, but rather accepting that buyers have a wide variety of taste themselves, and you want to appeal to them all.

You should also keep an open mind when it comes to who you sell your home to.  You may have an idea of what you consider to be the perfect buyer, but ultimately the goal is to sell your home.  What the buyer does with it after the fact is up to them.

To avoid these emotional home-seller mistakes, work with a trusted real estate professional who can guide you through the process and keep you on the right track.

Pocket the Profits: The Secrets to Selling Your Home above the Asking Price

We all want to sell our homes at above asking price, but what is it that makes a seller succeed at this? Here’s our expert advice on how you can sell your home above the asking price.

Ask For Less

You may be surprised, but pricing your home lower than market value can have an extremely positive effect on the offers you receive.  This is because a low-priced listing will stand out and will draw more attention, which boosts your chance of a bidding war.

By attracting more buyers to come and look at your home, you will find more buyers who are willing to make an offer on your property.  When they view your home they will see its true market value, and are then more likely to make a higher offer in hopes of outbidding others.  It’s all about creating hype, and a low asking price will do just that.

Wait It Out

While it may be tempting to accept the first offer that comes along, it is usually better to wait and see what other offers come in.  If you accept the first offer on your property you have closed the door to competition, and competing offers are what spark bidding wars which, ultimately, are what will lead you to receive more than asking.

Consider Who You’re Selling To

Is your home better suited towards traditional buyers, or is it a valuable property for investors?  If your home could easily be renovated and flipped, has high potential as an income property, or is in an up-and-coming neighborhood, it may be better marketed as an incredible investment property.

Investors expect a return on the money that they spend so are often more willing to make a higher offer – they know those funds will come right back to them.

Rock Your Renos

There are several simple renovations that can add a huge amount of value to your home.  The return on investment for a few small upgrades is often very worthwhile when your goal is to receive more than asking price.

Make sure the flooring, kitchen, and bathrooms in your home are updated and appealing, and if not, consider upgrading these areas first.  If you’re targeting investors, adding an income suite to your property may be the best investment you can make.  Consider which kind of buyer you’re targeting and what areas of your home need the most TLC, and choose accordingly.

Speak with a trusted real estate agent today to learn more techniques to successfully sell your home for above the asking price.